Reckoning, Rumble, Revolution


If you are a Brené Brown fan like me, you will recognize these three words because they are in the title of her latest book called “Rising Strong.  The Reckoning.  The Rumble.  The Revolution.”  If we are brave enough, often enough, we will fall.  This is a book about what it takes to get back up.  I love that.

Ah, the emotional adventures in life are the ones we didn’t see coming, the ones where we got hurt, disappointed, heartbroken.  It feels like our emotions just swallowed us whole and that’s an uncomfortable feeling for anyone, it’s where we fall.  However, uncomfortable means finding your courage to get back up and start over by recognizing and finding out where you are as of now, how did you get there and where do you want to go next.  It’s the emotional reckoning of finding the silver lining in a tough situation we’re facing and how we walk into our story.

Then comes the rumble and that’s where we own our story, it’s the middle part, the hardest and messiest part where all the work needs to be done in order to understand and learn what happened by being honest with ourselves.  This is where change begins at the heart of it all and this is where we learn more about ourselves.  We need to get real about the stories we’re telling ourselves because our mind believes what we tell it, therefore we need to keep it positive and honest.  The accumulation of all the imperfections we find in this mess is where we struggle to find our inner beauty which in turn leads to positive personal growth and development.  Sometimes the rumble can last longer than the others but that’s okay, you’re getting there.  The magic is in the mess.

The revolution is about the process when our rumble changes become a way of life and are integrated into how we live day to day and interact with others and ourselves.  Even small series of changes can change the world and how we engage with it.  We need to have open minds and hearts to be able to even start this process.  Some people around you might not like this stage because on the outside it might look confusing or even scary to some.  This is what transformation is all about which are possibilities and opportunities then carrying them out into the world to inspire others.  Respect and trust in the process because everything is unfolding exactly as it should be and this is where we rise strong.

“There is no greater threat to the critics and cynics and fearmongers than those of us who are willing to fall because we have learned how to rise.” ~Brené Brown

“The irony is that we attempt to disown our difficult stories to appear more whole or more acceptable, but our wholeness-even our wholeheartedness-actually depends on the integration of all of our experiences, including the falls.” ~Brené Brown

I have fallen, struggled and transformed through all the R’s a few times in my life.  Every time I do this I rise even stronger.  I am imperfect and damn proud of it.

Much Love ❤


22 thoughts on “Reckoning, Rumble, Revolution

  1. A decided advantage of hitting rock bottom is that the only way to go on from there is upward.
    Sometimes a fall might be too heavy emotionally,that it beats us down and keeps us there.Maybe for a while.Maybe for a very long time.But every time we fall,we find some truth.About ourselves,about everyone else around us,about life,whatever.And we feel it in our bones.And truth is always a good thing.

    And when you get up after a hard-hitting fall,something inside you strengthens.Fall enough times,you get strong that many times.And before you realize,you are transformed.You are a much stronger,much wiser person.Maybe it isn’t bad.Falling is good.
    And yes Jennifer,the magic is in the mess.
    Amazing post:)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Raja I just love your comments, what you said is so true. Especially the part about when we fall we find some truth, not only in ourselves but in the people around us. I have always liked the saying fall seven times, stand up eight. Falling hurts terribly but when you rise up and look back on how far you have come, that’s when it feels good. Having friends and a good support system around is extremely helpful and important. I’m really happy you took the time to read this and liked it this much to leave such a nice comment 🙂 Have a great day!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I guess the comment is good because the original post is even better:)..Your blog posts are really one of a kind Jennifer.Maybe the themes have been repeated elsewhere,but your take on it is unique and strikes a chord.I’m glad to have found your blog.Keep up your good work:)

        Liked by 1 person

      • Raja I appreciate your words very much, thank you!! 🙂 I am so happy you like what I write, I look forward to your comments 🙂 Which country are you from? I am from Canada and I recently traveled to India. I wrote 6 blogs on my visit if you are interested in reading them and if you like travel. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks Jennifer:)..I’m from India.I like travelling and the idea of it,although I haven’t done much of it myself so far.But I’d definitely love to read your posts on your travel to India:)

        Liked by 1 person

      • Wow that’s amazing you are from India too! 🙂 I loved my time there and want to come back again. If you go to my archives on my Home page and click on January 2016 and February 2016 you will see them all there. I wrote them all one after the other so I wouldn’t forget 🙂 I have many followers from India and now you too 🙂 Wow, that’s great!

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