Exercise (A-Z Challenge)


After all that chocolate and baking you must be thinking how on earth can one eat like that all the time?  It’s exercise people; and it’s best stress buster around 🙂

In this day and age, health and fitness is on magazine covers, the news and on our phones.  It stares us in the face on a daily basis and people are still not willing to see it or how important it is.  I will admit I am a bit of a fitness freak but you don’t have to be.  It’s possible to walk just twenty minutes per day or take the stairs instead of the elevator all the time.  Sometimes I park my car far away from the mall doors as possible but also to find the best parking spot near the exit!  Always have a strategy 😉

The reasons and health benefits for doing exercise are endless and I would like to share with you how it has helped me.  For solo activities like walking or jogging, I can be outside in nature having a constant change of scenery as I move along in my flashy outfit.  I am plugged into my music and I see people I know along the way which is really fun.  The endorphins which are the “feel good hormones” are released when we exercise so if you leave home or work in a bad mood you will come back from your exercise in a good one.  This natural “high” feeling becomes addicting and I am an addict but in a healthy way!

My favorite fitness activities I do on a regular basis are Zumba and Piloxing.  Not only is it a dance party with friends but we are getting in awesome shape at the same time.  It’s literally impossible to go to these classes and not have a good time.  One of the biggest reasons I exercise is for my brain and as strange as that may sound, when I feel stressed or restless whether it’s mental exhaustion or emotional upset, I have to do something physical so my endorphins kick in and make my mood better.  If anything positive on the physical side happens to me, I call this a bonus.  It has literally pulled me out of tough times more than a thousand times.  What I aim to do is exercise 4 times a week minimum and depending on the stress that’s going on, sometimes it’s every day, whether it’s a 15 Km walk or jog or an hour shaking it off at Zumba or Piloxing, or on a rainy day a few laps at the indoor pool.  Plus it helps me sleep better, concentrate better and allows me to eat more…Yaayyy!!

There’s always something healing and inspiring about working as hard as you physically can in order to make you feel better emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  It’s that feeling of accomplishment that you did something for you and we don’t take care of ourselves that much but we should.  Contrary to popular belief, it’s not selfish to take care of yourself because caring for others requires taking care of yourself first.  Since I am a helping professional in two careers, I need to do this more than ever.

I’m off to my Piloxing class now!  What are you doing for exercise?

Much Love ❤



22 thoughts on “Exercise (A-Z Challenge)

  1. Wow… Very healthy post.. Now I know how the secret of your health. Exercises. Yes it is always healing and good feeling to exercise.

    Yes, endorphins.. I also heard it. It feels good and fresh to exercise and keep fit.

    Thanks for sharing your schedule..
    It is a real stress buster. But I am not able to do much exercise recently. I am getting too busy..

    But I will some time soon and concentrate on health. On exercises. 🙂

    Have a beautiful Thursday.. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Jackie for reading and for your comments 🙂 I hope your schedule becomes less busy so you can enjoy some exercise and other things you love to do. As I mentioned in this blog I need to do this for my head so I can think better. If I get in shape from it then it’s just a bonus 😛

      It’s almost Friday! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Now this how we get a fit jenny 😀 cheers to exercise that give you those right curves 😉 I am lazy fella ..no exercising for me as of now ..just I do all my household work myself …like sweeping an moping the floor 😛 my daily exercise ..and I do take stairs in office 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    • Household chores are definitely exercise and that’s a never ending thing for us!! So that’s great…keep taking the stairs too 😀 Thank you for your sweet comments *blushing* 😂


  3. I am such a lazy ass.. even though i know the benefits of being fit and working out somehow i have never gathered courage or determination to go hit the gym or just a 20 min walk daily.. i do it for like a month and then give up. i wish i was even 10% determined as you are..but for now this post is definitely motivating. I ll need to get back to my dancing again i guess.
    – Lazy Sneha

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