

Golden ~by Ruth B

The fire used to burn
All the words used to hurt
But you’re not like us
You are different
I couldn’t see that that was a compliment
Cause the last thing I want now is to be you

And the flames don’t feel as hot as they used to
Burn, burn, burn,
They used to yell
You thought I was coal
My friend, I’m gold, can’t you tell?

Burn, burn, burn
They used to yell
You thought I was coal
My friend, I’m gold, can’t you tell?

Cause I’m not weak,
I’m not broken,
I am bold
And the fire you put me through turned me into gold
I’m not done, I’m no loser
Watch me take on my bright future
Tonight I’m no bronze, I’m no silver,
You’ll be thinking damn I knew her
But you didn’t
Don’t get it twisted

Out of the ashes you buried me in,
I, I am golden
I, I am golden

You tried so hard to break me down
Like a fire-breathing dragon,
But I guess I took your crown

You pushed for me to change for you
But I’m so glad that I stayed true to who I am
Burn, burn, burn
They used to yell
You thought I was coal
My friend, I’m gold, can’t you tell?
Cause I’m not weak, I’m not broken
I am bold
And the fire you put me through turned me into gold

I’m not done, I’m no loser
Watch me take on my bright future
Tonight I’m no bronze, I’m no silver
You’ll be thinking damn I knew her
But you didn’t
Don’t get it twisted

Out of the ashes, you buried me in
I, I am golden
I, I am golden

The fire that you tried to burn me with
It made me who I am
All the things you said I couldn’t do
Guess what, yes I can

The fire that you tried to burn me with
It made me who I am
All the things you said I couldn’t do
Guess what, yes I can

Cause I’m not weak, I’m not broken
I am bold
And the fire you put me through turned me into gold
I’m not done, I’m no loser
Watch me take on my bright future
Tonight I’m no bronze, I’m no silver
You’ll be thinking damn I knew her
But you didn’t
Don’t get it twisted

Out of the ashes, you buried me in
I, I am golden
I, I am golden
Golden, gold
I, I am golden, golden, golden.

Golden is one of my favorite songs that inspires me in so many ways.  It makes me think of my book which is about how I survived and coped through my separation and divorce in a positive way while trying to work as a single mother, pick up all the pieces and wear a smile through it all while dying inside.  I didn’t let this control me, I took control myself.

The book release date is March 2017 at this point and I will keep you posted as it gets closer.  This book is for anyone who’s had to live through heartbreak but came out golden because of it.  Don’t let someone push you around, you’re worth way more than that type of treatment and deserve real love.  Sometimes we don’t realize our courage, strength, and resilience until we’re in it and I think we’re all much stronger than we give ourselves credit for.

You deserve a pat on the back and so much more…

Much love and gratitude to you 🙂


Be Your Own Mirror


To all my Zumba friends, this one’s for you ❤

2016 has been an eventful year for me because I wrote my first book and continued to heal from my traumatic divorce like a rock star.  In March 2017, my book will be released and more healing will occur which I am dually grateful for and excited about.

Recently, I was at one of my Zumba classes, and a song came on that brought me back to the good old 80’s and inspired me to write this blog.  The song was Man In The Mirror by Michael Jackson and in it, he is sending the message that in order to make a change in this world you need to look at yourself first and take a look in the mirror.  We are living in a world where we tend to play the blame game over and over again and are so afraid of taking any responsibility for our own actions.  Not only does this get you to nowhere land but it stunts your personal growth and development big time.

In order to move forward in life and learn from our mistakes, we need to stop complaining and depending on other people to make changes for us.  We need to take a look in the mirror at ourselves and make the changes from within that we want to see because that’s where it all begins.  Imagine if only half of the world’s population could do this and how much fighting could end and how much peace could be gained.

It’s easy to turn a blind eye to what’s happening to people less fortunate than us and so much more work to look within ourselves, but in the end, it’s also more rewarding long-term to be your own mirror.

Another song that ties in with this one is also by Michael Jackson and it’s called Heal The World.  This is a cry for help for those in need and since it’s the Christmas season, what better time to do this.  Everyone has their issues and situations they’re dealing with and healing from, and all it takes is a little compassion and an open heart to help someone thrive.  Even though we might live in different countries around the world, we are still connected and want the same things out of life which are love, connection, and peace.  If we could only realize we’re all in this life together, we could really heal the world and make it a better place for you and for me and the entire human race.

My best wishes and love to each and every one of you in 2017 and thank you so much for your support all this time, I am extremely grateful for YOU.

Enjoy the music, be your own mirror and heal the world ❤


Much Love ❤



Looking Back While Looking Ahead


I read somewhere that you should never look back on things that happened but only look back to see how far you’ve come.  I would like to add that looking back can be a positive experience if your intention is to find the life lesson or silver lining hiding within the situation.

“No experience is wasted…everything in life is to grow you up.”  ~ Oprah Winfrey

Looking back, it’s been one year ago today, October 27th, 2015 when I signed my divorce papers.  Since then I’ve done a lot of soul-searching, writing, learning, and personal growth and development.  The year 2015 was the most difficult time of my life and in 2016, I needed to make it one of the best years of my life.  Looking ahead, I just finished writing my first book which was cathartic.  My new start began with my trip to India in January 2016 and it was the best way to push the restart button on my new life.

I’ve definitely come a long way in a short amount of time.

I am currently in the editing phase with my publishing company and I am expecting to have my book released in early 2017 which I am crazy excited about!  It will be available everywhere online, more details on that to come later on.  I wanted to share this news and blog about it to let you know it’s coming and give you some background information at the same time.

This book is about how I dealt with my separation and divorce and how I overcame adversity by self-reflection and finding the silver lining in my crumbling life events.  It’s not a book of venting or blaming.  It’s about my journey to recovery, accepting my own responsibilities and how I kept a positive outlook and learned some life lessons while living through the most difficult time of my life.  For every chapter, I describe the before, during and after phase by including my reflections now and a blog I wrote on my website in real time with the real emotions of what I was going through in 2015 and 2016.  Therefore, these chapters are the real and personal stories behind the blogs I wrote, alongside my reflections now.

We all fall down in life and I admit I have fallen many times which is painful and hurts so much.  It’s normal to stay down for a while but eventually, you need to get back up and face reality.  This requires some action steps and commitment. But for some, this is where the rubber fails to hit the road.  They may know what they need to do but they can’t even begin to even try.  I know how hard that is because there were days I felt the same way, but I realized that by keeping an open mind and open heart I may fall again and what’s important is finding the strength to keep rising with an incredible support system.

If you’ve ever had a relationship end in a traumatic way and change your world or if you are in the middle of one right now, rest assured you are not alone, I can sympathize and empathize with you and I am by your side.   My intention is to let you know you’re not alone and you can get through it.

Even though every story or scenario might be different when it comes to any type of loss in life, the one thing we all share is our emotions and the grieving process we all go through. That’s how we’re all connected and if we can support one another during our most difficult times, this I know for sure is the best way to survive.

It definitely worked for me, I didn’t do this alone.

Once you have the support you need, you can begin the healing process by taking some responsibility for your own actions because let’s face it, it takes two people to make or break a relationship.  This might come as a surprise to some because when there is a breakup, one person may be more to blame than the other.  This might be true to some extent but the other person definitely plays a role in that relationship which led to its demise whether they want to own it or not.  Life is a journey of imperfections, and trials and tribulations.  Some days, weeks or years are better than others but let’s not forget we’re all human.

Not robots, not perfect and not superior.

I would like to share some words by author Brené Brown that helped carry me through some of my toughest times and I hope they help you too.

Manifesto of the Brave and Brokenhearted

“There is no greater threat to the critics and cynics and fearmongers
Than those of us who are willing to fall
Because we have learned how to rise

With skinned knees and bruised hearts;
We choose owning our stories of struggle,
Over hiding, over hustling, over pretending.

When we deny our stories, they define us.
When we run from struggle, we are never free.
So we turn toward truth and look at it in the eye.

We will not be characters in our stories.
Not villains, not victims, not even heroes.

We are the authors of our lives.
We write our own daring endings.

We craft love from heartbreak,
Compassion from shame,
Grace from disappointment,
Courage from failure.

Showing up is our power.
Story is our way home.
Truth is our song.
We are the brave and brokenhearted.
We are rising strong.”

I feel proud for sharing my story with all of you in my upcoming book and I appreciate all of your love and support.


Much Love ❤


3 Day 3 Quotes Challenge-Day 3

Welcome to the last day of the 3 quotes challenge!!

First, I would like to thank my sweet and adorable WordPress friend Deepika Kumaaraguru from India for nominating me! If you haven’t visited her blog yet, YOU MUST!

She’s an amazing person who has accomplished so much in her life at such a young age.  She’s a published author who has written 2 books before her 20’s, a fellow Disney fan and a lover of Zumba!  Her sense of humor is awesome and her comments on my blog are extremely motivating and fun to read, she cracks me up every time!  Deepika is also a big fan of the Ellen Show like me and she comes from a medical background like me too!  We have so much in common Deepika we will have a blast when we meet one day!!

So here we go and welcome to day 3.  These quotes are by author Elizabeth Gilbert who I can connect with very well in her writings.  She’s an amazingly brave woman who has conquered so much and I highly admire her.

The rules are:

  1. Post three quotes each for three days
  2. Nominate three bloggers with no repetition
  3. Thank the person who nominated you




So there you have it, some inspiring quotes to either end or start your day.  I nominate anyone and everyone to give this quote challenge a try.  It’s Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada and I wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving.  We all have a lot to be grateful for in life, we just need to notice what we have 🙂

Much Love ❤


3 Days 3 Quotes Challenge-Day 2

Hello again and welcome to Day 2 of the quote challenge!!

First, I would like to thank my sweet and adorable WordPress friend Deepika Kumaaraguru from India for nominating me! If you haven’t visited her blog yet, YOU MUST!

Not only is she an amazing person who has accomplished so much in her life at such a young age, she’s a published author who has written 2 books before her 20’s, a fellow Disney fan and a lover of Zumba 😛  Her sense of humor is awesome and her comments on my blog are extremely motivating and fun to read, she cracks me up every time 😀  Deepika and I are big fans of the Ellen Show and she comes from a medical background like me too!  We have so much in common Deepika we will have a blast when we meet one day!! ❤

So here we go with day 2.  These quotes are by Alan Watts an inspiring author who has a wonderful perspective on life that I just can’t get enough of these days.

The rules are:

  1. Post three quotes each for three days
  2. Nominate three bloggers with no repetition
  3. Thank the person who nominated you




I nominate anyone and everyone who would like to participate in this quote challenge, it’s an inspiring thing to do ❤ and it’s fun.

Much Love ❤


3 Day 3 Quote Challenge-Day 1

It’s time for another exciting round of quotes and since I am a huge lover of them, it’s my pleasure to pick some that really speak to me 🙂

First, I would like to thank my sweet and adorable WordPress friend Deepika Kumaaraguru from India for nominating me in this 3 day 3 quote challenge! If you haven’t visited her blog yet, YOU MUST!

She’s an amazing person who has accomplished so much in her life so far at such a young age.  She’s a published author who has written 2 books before her 20’s, a fellow Disney fan like myself and a lover of Zumba as well 😛  Her sense of humor is awesome and her comments on my blog are extremely motivating and fun to read, she cracks me up every time!  I hope I can meet you soon Deepika darling ❤

So here we go, let’s have some fun on day 1 😉

The rules are:

  1. Post three quotes each for three days
  2. Nominate three bloggers with no repetition
  3. Thank the person who nominated you





So there you have it, if you haven’t tried a Zumba class yet, YOU SHOULD!  It’s so much fun and don’t worry if you aren’t coordinated because nobody is in the beginning and everyone is in their own bubble not watching you.  Not only will you get in shape but you’ll have a blast doing it and your self-confidence will increase too.

I nominate anyone and everyone!!  Thanks again Deepika ❤

Much Love ❤




Waking Up Without Ever Having Gone To Sleep


Self-help and personal growth and development are one of the most popular genres of books, music, videos, and movies these days and people are searching for inspiration in everything because they live with a feeling that something is missing in their life.  I know I’ve had my fair share of days where I don’t feel aligned with who I really am and there was a time when I wasn’t living my most authentic life either.  When you suppress the real you and live for somebody else, essentially it is a betrayal of yourself and that really hurts.

We often hear the phrase “live an authentic life.”  What does that really mean?  How do you know you are living an authentic life and how do you know if you’re not?  The best place to start is by defining your core values.  What makes you who you are?  If you were to describe yourself in 10 words, what would they be?  These are your values, they come from your heart and they drive your behavior.  On the other hand, a belief is something with the word “because” in it, such as “I believe ____ because _______ .”  These are not who you truly are because they are usually imposed on you from somebody else like a parent, teacher, or society which can end up being self-limiting and disempowering.  Values are never self-limiting, they expand and empower you.

For example, let’s say you value creativity because you are into music, writing, painting or whatever the case may be.  You might be a high profile professional and feel like something is missing in your life and you’re right, there is.  It’s your authentic self that’s being suppressed because the outside world might be screaming “don’t do that, it’s a waste of time, put your efforts into your work/family instead.”  It might even be your gremlin inside your own mind saying “who do you think you are, pursuing something like this?”

Sound familiar?  Yep.  Been there done that.

To live an authentic life we need to learn more about ourselves by spending time alone and asking some tough questions that we need to know the answer to.  If we don’t ask, we’ll never know, right?  Living authentically is in constant motion which means it’s always shifting and evolving so you can find what’s real and then have the courage to live that way, despite all the judgments and criticism.  Every time you look within yourself, a little more authenticity is revealed and your challenge is to find your power in a disempowering environment.  Nobody said it would be easy but what’s even harder is ignoring your authentic self for the rest of your life.  We need to let go of the fears of what other people might think of us if we decide to show our authenticity and instead we can choose to love ourselves unconditionally.

Fear always feels bad, insists on certainty and needs everything whereas love always feels good, accepts uncertainty and needs nothing.  The more we can live with an open mind and open heart on a daily basis, the more authentic our lives will be.

The beauty of living authentically is the waking up without ever having gone to sleep.


Much Love ❤



Finding Joy


How do you find joy in your everyday life?  What are you passionate about or what lights you up from the inside out?

For me, joy is the result of practicing daily gratitude because when you focus on what you have, it changes your perspective and creates joy from within.  Joy is what gets you through difficult times, it turns on a light when you’re in the dark, it heals wounds and can make your soul sing.  Joy is contagious and can spread like wildfire if you allow it, we’re all connected so it’s better to spread positive vibes and emotions that lead us in the right direction.

In today’s busy world, stress and anxiety are topping the charts of workplace absence and prescription medications.  It’s not overly surprising because the faster the world turns, the faster we run and when we’re running, we’re not paying attention to what’s around us.  It’s only when we slow down to catch our breath and notice the little things in the moment; that’s when we are able to find our joy.

Here are a few ways you can begin the search for joy in your everyday life.

  1. Play with children. They are innocent creatures who love to laugh and goof around
  2. Let your inner child out too. Just like the picture above, we all have that little girl or boy inside of us, waiting to get out again so get silly and let loose
  3. Learn something new such as a language, recipe, or sport
  4. Explore nature. It is the most beautiful and imperfect thing on earth
  5. Travel somewhere new and exciting. Do this solo or with someone you like
  6. Surround yourself with animals. They have the most unconditional love to share with you
  7. Be romantic. This allows you to use your creativity and can find joy in two places at once
  8. Spread random acts of kindness to strangers. The appreciation they feel will come back to you tenfold
  9. Play a musical instrument or put some music on. This is soul food and can be very healing
  10. Sing a song no matter what your voice sounds like. Remember that inner child?
  11. Read a great book or see a movie you’ve been waiting for
  12. Helping others creates huge amounts of joy from within
  13. Wake up those endorphins in your body because they will definitely make you feel better
  14. Meditate or practice mindfulness. Enjoy the silence for a change
  15. Write something, anything. Keep it private or make it public it’s your choice but keep it positive and inspiring
  16. Dance in the rain and get soaked. If this doesn’t make you feel like a kid, I don’t know what will
  17. Be like a cat and take a nap. Time to feel rejuvenated again
  18. Watch a sunrise or sunset. Not only is it live entertainment, it’s free and it’s beautiful
  19. Take a hot bath or get a massage
  20. Eat your favorite desserts like cupcakes or something with chocolate
  21. Spend quality time with friends and laugh so much it hurts

Sometimes the best way to find joy is to surrender to what is.  By surrendering, you are opening your heart and mind to the infinite possibilities of what life can offer you.  It’s not about giving up, it’s about letting go, and the benefit to letting go is finding joy.


Much Love ❤



Cheers to Three Years…


Hey, it’s my three-year blogging anniversary today, June 18th, 2016!!  I wanted to honor this day and write something special so let’s take a short trip back in time, shall we?

Three years ago, one of my closest friends encouraged me to create this blog because she had one too.  She’s a life coach and one of my biggest cheerleaders and motivators in my life and even though I was months away from becoming a life coach myself, I had reservations about starting this blog before I obtained that status.  However, she encouraged me to just begin blogging and not worry about perfection.  She said, “If you wait for a perfect time, that time never comes, begin it now.”  So I did and Courage Coach was born.  I had no idea what I wanted to write about, so one of my first posts was about courage itself which represented what I am all about and to show I walk the talk.  After one post I felt like I had writer’s block already so for my second post I put up a photo of nature I took because I found it inspiring 😉

In that first year, I became a coach and used to blog once a month, finding topics related to life coaching and areas that interested me.  I refined my tabs and my About Me page almost 50 times because I wanted to create this reading and writing space for two reasons.  To market my life coaching business and to connect with people worldwide by writing on topics we all deal with in a positive light such as health and wellness goals, loss, how to forgive, and much more.

During my second year, I was blogging frequently because I felt more confident and I was fully into life coaching.  The more I wrote about life the more I discovered myself in the process, I was falling in love with writing all over again and was starting to meet many people worldwide who connected with my words.  My friend was right that in order to connect with people we shouldn’t worry about being perfect because when we’re willing to show up and be seen and allow ourselves to be imperfect, that’s where beauty is found and where connection lives.

This past year proved to be the most devastating and exceptional year of all.  2015 started out with a huge betrayal to me and despite this, I had to continue life coaching and inspire people even though I didn’t feel inspired myself at times.  I am also a nurse taking care of other people and there were days I could barely take care of myself.  It was the biggest personal internal war I ever fought aside from the fact of being abandoned on my own with two kids.  Waves of emotion were drowning me and I had to find a way out so I turned to writing because it’s what I love to do and it literally saved me.

I wrote about quotes and topics I was dealing with to heal myself and after doing so, people were connecting with me even more because it was written with emotion and it was cathartic for me.  I wrote my heart out and cried my eyes out and wrote in a way that was inspiring instead of venting and every time I did this, I felt a little better so I could continue living my new life as “normally” as possible while focusing on the positives I had.  The more I focused on what I had, the more I received in return.  Therefore, on one hand I was being abandoned by one person and on the other I was connecting with hundreds of others.  Connection always wins.

My greatest surprise was making several friends in India who went from WordPress followers to Facebook friends and finally a trip to India to meet some of them in person who are a huge part of my life now.  After blogging about my trip, my India following has increased dramatically and I love my nickname, the “daughter of India.”  One day I’ll have to come back and meet everyone 🙂

In 2016 I did my first #A-Z Challenge which was so much fun and I had to write every day except Sundays.  I met, even more, people who inspire me.  The beauty of finding inspiration and life coaching is that it’s like a magic mirror.  What you see in me, I also see in you.

One of my favorite things to do is to go through the WordPress reader and get caught up with everyone’s blogs and vlogs to see what’s inspiring you, read what’s on your mind and know that you’re okay.  I have learned so much from everyone I am following! Commenting on blogs and reading comments is fun too, this always puts a smile on my face 😀

What I know for sure, is this blog represents life coaching, my writing, a worldwide community, friendships, family and 954 followers to date.  Most of all, this blog represents me; a courageous woman who overcame adversity through writing.  Ironically, I chose the right name for my blog after all.  My job is to inspire you to be courageous and live your life to the fullest.

I am eternally grateful to be connected with ALL of you, it’s been quite a blogging journey with your love and support, I feel inspired and motivated to keep writing more and because of that, I’m writing a book on how I managed to get through this betrayal and what I learned along the way, I’ll let you know when it’s finished.  My life is better now, many thanks to all of you.

Keep blogging and keep going people.  We’re all in this together.

Cheers to three years…


All my love ❤


Two Sunshine Blogger Awards


One morning I woke up to a very pleasant surprise to see that not one but two fellow bloggers had nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award!  It was such a great way to start my day with my morning coffee 🙂

First, I would like to say a big thank you to Vandana for thinking of me and nominating me for this awesome award!  If you haven’t checked her site Feelings and Freedom, please do because her posts are inspirational and she also writes Limericks such as Love, Passion and Imperfect.  Two things I have in common with Vandana are that we both love music and reading.

Second, I would like to say a huge thank you to Tookii from Australia for nominating me for this amazing award and she is the youngest blogger I’ve come across in WordPress!  She’s definitely under 10, adorable, on every social media site invented plus she has her own YouTube channel complete with vlogs!  You really need to follow her and check out her site Join The Cub.  She has posts from a kids point of view like great snacks for the car, night beach yoga and checking the chickens!


Recipient rules for the award:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you
  2. Answer 11 questions put forth by the nominator
  3. Nominate 11 people for the award
  4. Frame 11 questions for your nominees


My replies to the questions Vandana gave me:

  1. What do you enjoy more-reading or writing? To be honest I enjoy writing more, it’s a way for me to get my thoughts and feelings sorted out when I am not sure about something.  I do love reading though because it’s an escape from reality and into another world which is always good.
  2. Which is your all-time favorite book? I love the Alchemist because it’s about a boy who goes far and away to find his treasure then realizes that his treasure is actually within himself.  This book reminds me of life coaching very much and a good friend told me about it.
  3. What/Who is your inspiration for writing? I love inspirational writers such as Marianne Williamson, Martha Beck, Cheryl Richardson, Tony Robbins and Gary Zukav.  Some are life coaches and since I am too, I can connect with their words.
  4. When was the last time you did something for the first time and what was it? I just went zip lining for Mother’s Day this year and it was a 3.5 hour climb and zip lining time in the mountains.  I actually survived it and had a great time.  I was the only mom up there I can tell you that!
  5. What is your biggest regret in life, if any? Not knowing how to set boundaries for myself.  Now I know, I learned the hard way but at least I learned.
  6. If you were given a chance to fulfill two of your wishes, what would they be? I would wish for two more wishes so that I would have four.
  7. Do you like to cook? Yes I do and I am a big foodie.  I can cook and bake anything and I love it.
  8. Who is the most important person in your life? My two boys.
  9. Who is your favorite author? Paulo Coelho.  I love him and his books he is just an amazing and inspiring person with the most beautiful thoughts.  I connect with his writing very much.
  10. Do you believe in God? Yes I do.  I also believe He has a plan for all of us and that we are where we are supposed to be at all times.  We can’t see His plan but we can live it.
  11. Do you like to travel? Yes I love traveling.  I recently went to India this past January and had an amazing time, it was a healing and unforgettable experience and I also met 8 blogging friends while I was there!   Otherwise I travel with my kids everywhere.


My replies to the questions Tookii gave me:

  1. What was your favorite source of comfort growing up (pet, place, person, thing)? I would have to say it was my Scottish Terrier dog named Kiltae.  She was so calm and a really good family pet, we used to go for long walks together.
  2. What is your favorite childhood memory? Growing up we had a pool so spending the entire summer swimming and playing in the pool with my friends is my favorite childhood memory.  And eating watermelon after all that swimming 😀
  3. If you could give any one thing to the world what would it be? World Peace ❤
  4. The one piece of advice you would give to your younger self? “Have more self-confidence you are stronger than you think you are, you can do this.”
  5. What are you most likely to do while sitting by the fire on a rainy day? Read a really good book with a cup of hot chocolate and whipped cream!  Then fall asleep!
  6. Pancakes or Waffles? Waffles!!!!!!!  YUMM!  With syrup of course 😛
  7. Is 12 noon AM or PM? Very tricky question here….it depends I suppose.  I’ll say PM
  8. What was your favorite childhood activity? I always played sports and during my childhood I did track and field events.  I would try to run like the wind!
  9. Are you happy? Yes, now I am.
  10. Why? Why not?  Actually I always look for the life lesson in everything so in the end that makes me happy.  Everything happens for a reason Tookii, always remember this one 😉
  11. What would you do with your life if you knew you couldn’t fail? I would love to live and work in a different country every two years so I could explore the world as much as possible.  Maybe I will make it to Australia one day!


I would like to nominate:

Anyone who would like to participate and you can answer the same questions as above 🙂

Thank you again Vandana and Tookii for the nomination!!  You both inspire me very much ❤ ❤


Much Love,
