Two Sunshine Blogger Awards


One morning I woke up to a very pleasant surprise to see that not one but two fellow bloggers had nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award!  It was such a great way to start my day with my morning coffee 🙂

First, I would like to say a big thank you to Vandana for thinking of me and nominating me for this awesome award!  If you haven’t checked her site Feelings and Freedom, please do because her posts are inspirational and she also writes Limericks such as Love, Passion and Imperfect.  Two things I have in common with Vandana are that we both love music and reading.

Second, I would like to say a huge thank you to Tookii from Australia for nominating me for this amazing award and she is the youngest blogger I’ve come across in WordPress!  She’s definitely under 10, adorable, on every social media site invented plus she has her own YouTube channel complete with vlogs!  You really need to follow her and check out her site Join The Cub.  She has posts from a kids point of view like great snacks for the car, night beach yoga and checking the chickens!


Recipient rules for the award:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you
  2. Answer 11 questions put forth by the nominator
  3. Nominate 11 people for the award
  4. Frame 11 questions for your nominees


My replies to the questions Vandana gave me:

  1. What do you enjoy more-reading or writing? To be honest I enjoy writing more, it’s a way for me to get my thoughts and feelings sorted out when I am not sure about something.  I do love reading though because it’s an escape from reality and into another world which is always good.
  2. Which is your all-time favorite book? I love the Alchemist because it’s about a boy who goes far and away to find his treasure then realizes that his treasure is actually within himself.  This book reminds me of life coaching very much and a good friend told me about it.
  3. What/Who is your inspiration for writing? I love inspirational writers such as Marianne Williamson, Martha Beck, Cheryl Richardson, Tony Robbins and Gary Zukav.  Some are life coaches and since I am too, I can connect with their words.
  4. When was the last time you did something for the first time and what was it? I just went zip lining for Mother’s Day this year and it was a 3.5 hour climb and zip lining time in the mountains.  I actually survived it and had a great time.  I was the only mom up there I can tell you that!
  5. What is your biggest regret in life, if any? Not knowing how to set boundaries for myself.  Now I know, I learned the hard way but at least I learned.
  6. If you were given a chance to fulfill two of your wishes, what would they be? I would wish for two more wishes so that I would have four.
  7. Do you like to cook? Yes I do and I am a big foodie.  I can cook and bake anything and I love it.
  8. Who is the most important person in your life? My two boys.
  9. Who is your favorite author? Paulo Coelho.  I love him and his books he is just an amazing and inspiring person with the most beautiful thoughts.  I connect with his writing very much.
  10. Do you believe in God? Yes I do.  I also believe He has a plan for all of us and that we are where we are supposed to be at all times.  We can’t see His plan but we can live it.
  11. Do you like to travel? Yes I love traveling.  I recently went to India this past January and had an amazing time, it was a healing and unforgettable experience and I also met 8 blogging friends while I was there!   Otherwise I travel with my kids everywhere.


My replies to the questions Tookii gave me:

  1. What was your favorite source of comfort growing up (pet, place, person, thing)? I would have to say it was my Scottish Terrier dog named Kiltae.  She was so calm and a really good family pet, we used to go for long walks together.
  2. What is your favorite childhood memory? Growing up we had a pool so spending the entire summer swimming and playing in the pool with my friends is my favorite childhood memory.  And eating watermelon after all that swimming 😀
  3. If you could give any one thing to the world what would it be? World Peace ❤
  4. The one piece of advice you would give to your younger self? “Have more self-confidence you are stronger than you think you are, you can do this.”
  5. What are you most likely to do while sitting by the fire on a rainy day? Read a really good book with a cup of hot chocolate and whipped cream!  Then fall asleep!
  6. Pancakes or Waffles? Waffles!!!!!!!  YUMM!  With syrup of course 😛
  7. Is 12 noon AM or PM? Very tricky question here….it depends I suppose.  I’ll say PM
  8. What was your favorite childhood activity? I always played sports and during my childhood I did track and field events.  I would try to run like the wind!
  9. Are you happy? Yes, now I am.
  10. Why? Why not?  Actually I always look for the life lesson in everything so in the end that makes me happy.  Everything happens for a reason Tookii, always remember this one 😉
  11. What would you do with your life if you knew you couldn’t fail? I would love to live and work in a different country every two years so I could explore the world as much as possible.  Maybe I will make it to Australia one day!


I would like to nominate:

Anyone who would like to participate and you can answer the same questions as above 🙂

Thank you again Vandana and Tookii for the nomination!!  You both inspire me very much ❤ ❤


Much Love,


32 thoughts on “Two Sunshine Blogger Awards

  1. Wow congrats jenny ❤ wonderful answers 🙂 though I know much more about you than what you have written here but reading your answers was still wonderful 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations on the awards!! Very well deserved. Oh I loved going through the answers.
    Paulo Coelho is also my fav!! Loveeee his words and thoughts.
    Love and hugs to you!!
    I would like to try out zip lining someday 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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