Finding Joy


How do you find joy in your everyday life?  What are you passionate about or what lights you up from the inside out?

For me, joy is the result of practicing daily gratitude because when you focus on what you have, it changes your perspective and creates joy from within.  Joy is what gets you through difficult times, it turns on a light when you’re in the dark, it heals wounds and can make your soul sing.  Joy is contagious and can spread like wildfire if you allow it, we’re all connected so it’s better to spread positive vibes and emotions that lead us in the right direction.

In today’s busy world, stress and anxiety are topping the charts of workplace absence and prescription medications.  It’s not overly surprising because the faster the world turns, the faster we run and when we’re running, we’re not paying attention to what’s around us.  It’s only when we slow down to catch our breath and notice the little things in the moment; that’s when we are able to find our joy.

Here are a few ways you can begin the search for joy in your everyday life.

  1. Play with children. They are innocent creatures who love to laugh and goof around
  2. Let your inner child out too. Just like the picture above, we all have that little girl or boy inside of us, waiting to get out again so get silly and let loose
  3. Learn something new such as a language, recipe, or sport
  4. Explore nature. It is the most beautiful and imperfect thing on earth
  5. Travel somewhere new and exciting. Do this solo or with someone you like
  6. Surround yourself with animals. They have the most unconditional love to share with you
  7. Be romantic. This allows you to use your creativity and can find joy in two places at once
  8. Spread random acts of kindness to strangers. The appreciation they feel will come back to you tenfold
  9. Play a musical instrument or put some music on. This is soul food and can be very healing
  10. Sing a song no matter what your voice sounds like. Remember that inner child?
  11. Read a great book or see a movie you’ve been waiting for
  12. Helping others creates huge amounts of joy from within
  13. Wake up those endorphins in your body because they will definitely make you feel better
  14. Meditate or practice mindfulness. Enjoy the silence for a change
  15. Write something, anything. Keep it private or make it public it’s your choice but keep it positive and inspiring
  16. Dance in the rain and get soaked. If this doesn’t make you feel like a kid, I don’t know what will
  17. Be like a cat and take a nap. Time to feel rejuvenated again
  18. Watch a sunrise or sunset. Not only is it live entertainment, it’s free and it’s beautiful
  19. Take a hot bath or get a massage
  20. Eat your favorite desserts like cupcakes or something with chocolate
  21. Spend quality time with friends and laugh so much it hurts

Sometimes the best way to find joy is to surrender to what is.  By surrendering, you are opening your heart and mind to the infinite possibilities of what life can offer you.  It’s not about giving up, it’s about letting go, and the benefit to letting go is finding joy.


Much Love ❤



53 thoughts on “Finding Joy

  1. Jenny this simply beautiful and very truthful 🙂 I can’t agree more with your last line “It’s not about giving up, it’s about letting go, and the benefit to letting go is finding joy.” 🙂 This is the true essence of feeling joyful 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

  2. It’s true the human mind is completely messed up but the blessing God gave us is that we’re able to feel joy, gratitude, hope and appreciation, the four major emotions that get us through the day. I love the dimensional ways you get the beautiful beam on your face, Jen, it brought a smile on my face as well ❤ Writing, listening to music, singing, working out, talking with close friends, spending time with my family, reading books, watching movies and petting animals are my sources of joy ❤ I'm so glad you made this post, Jen! It eliminated some stress in me 😀 ❤ I was watching your Zumba video a few minutes ago, by the way 😉 You know the one with the bloopers and the treats? ❤ Loved it!

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Finding Dory now, Finding Nemo earlier. But definitely, getting along with these 21 points and what more you can think of is about finding joy.
    Nice post, Jennifer.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Hahaha..I love those 2 movies Ankit! 🙂 I’m always trying to find joy and I’m happy you liked the post, thank you for your great comment. Hope you are also finding joy where you are 🙂 Have a great weekend!

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Hey dear solo traveller.i was rememring u for many days.oh now today i have caught u n reading urs posts.those divices,u have suggested , i follow them.your suggestions r really most impressive if anyone want d joy.u r right dt joy is got by suffering from difficulties n dt become /change into light in darkness of life.i m glad readimg u.xo xo.

    Liked by 3 people

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