Stakeholder Exercise


In life coaching there are several tools and exercises that help people dig deep into finding more inspiration and motivation in their lives if that is what they want.  Coaches are on equal ground with people because they have the deep conversations that help find solutions and opportunities in a supportive and creative way and within a safe space.

My friend Darshith inspired me with his vlogs and today I will do my second one in the #A-Z Challenge for the letter S and it’s called the Stakeholder.  This exercise creates motivation to take action on a desired project while looking to the future and noticing all the people (stakeholders) who are contributing and benefiting.  This can be used personally and/or professionally.

Two things, I need to talk less and don’t judge my artwork 😛

Happy Friday!  Enjoy!

Much Love ❤


Life Coaching (A to Z Challenge)

One of the things I do aside from being a nurse is life coaching.  The transition from nursing to life coaching is a natural one because they are both helping professions and as a nurse I’ve had to wear a coaching hat at times (figuratively speaking) 😉

For today’s post I thought I would be brave and try out a vlog about what life coaching is all about instead of writing about it.  Please bear with me, I hope you enjoy it and I welcome your thoughts or feedback on it 😀

Enjoy ❤


Alchemist (AtoZ Challenge)


I am in love with this book “The Alchemist” and the author Paulo Coelho.   If you haven’t read it yet, you must.  One of my close friends suggested it to me and I am forever grateful that he did 😉

The story is full of life lessons, inspiration and beautiful wisdom for all.  It’s about a young shepherd boy named Santiago who travels from Spain to the deserts in Egypt in search of a treasure buried in the Pyramids.  During his journey he meets various characters like a Gypsy woman, a man who calls himself a king and an alchemist who all seem to direct Santiago in the direction of his goal without knowing what that treasure even is.

“The Alchemist” is a story about searching for happiness on the outside world when really the journey and treasure takes place within our hearts.  You can travel the world or work in different companies searching for happiness but in the end, it’s wherever your heart is directing you, to your passions; that’s where you will find your treasure.  I found this book to give hope when wanting to transform a dream into a reality and how important it is to listen to our hearts, especially when it comes to love.  One of my favorite parts is when the alchemist tells Santiago that before a dream is realized, the Soul of the World tests everything that was learned along the way, not because it is evil but so we can master the lessons as we move closer to the dream, just as the darkest hour of the night comes before the dawn.

The Alchemist reminds me of life coaching because there are many questions we ask ourselves about life and how to improve it.  We search for the answers externally when really all along the solutions are always within us.

Therefore, there’s an Alchemist in All of us ❤

“Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure” ~Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Welcome to Day One of #TheA-ZChallenge everyone 🙂


Much Love,


Tuning In To the Voice Within


When there’s too much noise around you, that cute quiet voice within goes unnoticed.

I read an interesting and quirky article written by life coach Martha Beck and wanted to give my take on it for all of you.

We have two voices that try to talk to us which are the logical ones such as parents, teachers, society and the other voice which is the wise primordial self.  It’s hard to choose between the two most of the time because of our impressions of them.

Logical voice is named Fang and is very business-like, well dressed, organized and on top of everything.  He’s very opinionated carries a Blackberry and has an impressive resumé.  The wise voice is named Buddy who wears shorts and a tank top with a butterfly tattoo on his back.  Buddy has a great smile and will hug you when you feel down.  Buddy’s resume is brief and has doodle art of squirrels on the side.

Who would you listen to?

When people say they want to find their “inner voice” it’s usually because they’re already listening to a loud, logical and convincing one; Fang.  But does it lead to fulfillment?  There’s another wise voice knocking that wants you to be happy, Buddy.  Fang thinks Buddy is weird but you really want to trust Buddy anyway.  You feel something in common with Buddy but you just can’t put your finger on it.

Voices of social conditioning manifests itself as a stream of thoughts in the head where wisdom often shows up as emotions or physical sensations in the body.  Ever had that gut feeling?  That’s Buddy trying to get your attention.  When something is wrong for you, you’ll feel constriction like knots in your body.  The wise choice unties those knots and makes you feel comfortable and light again.

Fang on the other hand is creating fear shouting “I’m right, do it my way or else!” or “You will fail” or “You don’t deserve it!”  Meanwhile there sits smiling Buddy nice and calm and relaxed taking deep breaths just waiting for you to join him.  Once you join him you are quiet and still and can finally tune in.  Wisdom is stronger than fear but only when you choose it.

Maybe you could tell Fang; “Yes I am worthy of this and if I fail the world won’t end and I’ll try something else.”  Fang will be upset for sure but with every choice like this your wisdom grows stronger and you can begin to ignore Fang so you can get out and play with Buddy.  He seems so interesting anyway.

Here’s your homework:

Think of a difficult decision or situation you are in right now that’s been keeping you up at night 😉  Ask yourself these three questions.

  1. What would calm do now?
  2. What would peace do now?
  3. What would relaxation do now?

This not only helps to open your mind but most of all your heart in order to find solutions.  The more often you ask these questions the more energy you feel which is your own wisdom.  When you feel the tension loosening up then you know you are on the right path heading in the right direction; the wise one.

And that’s what your inner Buddy would do.

By tuning in to your voice within, you not only choose wisdom as your advisor, you make this way of choosing your new way of life.

Happy Valentine’s Day Every Buddy  ❤


Much Love As Always,





Nature. Beauty. Gratitude. ~ Louie Schwartzberg

For many people, art is something that is comforting and inspiring.  When we have an open mind and an open heart, many possibilities exist and we are able to find solutions to our problems.  Nature is all around us and is forever beautiful.  Without even realizing it, we can often find the answers to our questions right outside our door.  We just need to embrace gratitude.

I invite you to take ten minutes to watch this TED Talk video by Louie Schwartzberg which is a beautiful expression of nature unfolding live right before your eyes.  I’m sure you will be grateful you did.  Happy Spring!    ~ J.J.